Saturday, May 4, 2013

Pseudo-stupidity: the latest trick the media is pulling on dumb Democrat voters

h/t MK

Pseudo-stupidity: the latest trick the media is pulling on dumb Democrat voters

By Kevin “Coach” Collins
Give the liberals credit, they know their voters are morons and they never make the mistake of treating them as anything else.
Democrat elected officials know they don’t ever really have to make sense when they address their half-witted supporters. They only have to say something or do something, anything, and the media will praise them for their “honesty and courage.”  Nobody ever questions what is “courageous” about admitting you have cheated on your income tax, stole campaign contributions, ran a male brothel or sold a political appointment; the media makes all of that go away for Democrats.
When “the guy on TV” says a Democrat’s explanation is enough to “move on” that’s it; no further explanation is necessary.
Since the April 15th Boston Marathon Bombing the media has been in “Def-Con 5” cover up mode trying to patch the gaping holes in the lies the Obama Administration is telling to make it go away.
The liberals have switched to using “pseudo-stupidity” an old theory of adolescent behavior formulated by Jean Piaget a Swiss psychoanalyst.
Pseudo-stupidity is an adolescent’s “tendency to overlook the obvious and inability to make appropriate choices.”  The liberal media is treating their supporters like the adolescents Piaget was talking about by using the “say anything and the dummies will believe it” tactic to explain why the Boston Bombers did what they did.   The idea is to rely on the innate pseudo-stupidity of Democrat voters. 
 “The older brother was a boxer whose brain was damaged by too many punches to the head causing him to become depressed and aggressive,” or “Not being able to “fit in” to American society made them angry so it’s our fault,” or “They were both brain washed;” are the media’s current favorites excuses for these savages. 
In Piaget’s theory the adolescent is just becoming aware of  the variety of reasons why things around him happen  he is overwhelmed by them and assumes other are as well.
 So when mom asks junior to find his math book,  the teenaged genius looks in the basement, in the trunk of dad’s car, in the attic crawl space and in the dog’s house.
All of these could possibly be where the book is but the obvious answer “in his back pack” is overlooked.  Likewise all of the phony excuses the media creates for these two dirt bags fools Democrat voters because, “after all it COULD be our fault.”  They are fooled into believing the obvious answer; “they did it because they are evil bastards” isn’t true.    
Adolescents have an excuse: They’re kids. The so called adults who vote Democrat don’t have an excuse for believing what they believe; they’re just morons.                

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

moose cakes' ''hubby''s Regime will ban owners, not guns

h/t MK

Obama Regime will ban owners, not guns

by Doug Book,  staff writer
While gun owners have been fixated on threats to ban “assault weapons” and virtually every other sort of semi-automatic rifle and pistol, Barack Obama and Regime, gun confiscationists have quietly advanced a far more insidious assault on 2nd Amendment rights.
In New York State, the thoroughly unconstitutional SAFE Act is responsible for the confiscation of Pistol Owner ID Cards (one needs a state approved ID Card to own a pistol in the Empire State) along with pistols themselves. And the gun owners currently being honored with this violation of their right to keep and bear arms “…have been discovered to have been prescribed …different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety.”  (1)
In short, “…unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation.” (1) Lists of users of prescribed medications have been illegally supplied to NY officials where they are compared with lists of New York’s holders of Pistol Owner ID Cards. Anyone on the left still want to suggest that national firearm registration by Big Brother would not really represent a danger to 2nd Amendment rights?
And how will the Regime apply such illegally acquired medical information to the violation of 2nd Amendment rights on the national stage? Last year, voters in Colorado and Washington State decided to ignore federal law by legalizing marijuana use in the 2 states. Did the Obama Department of Justice launch immediate legal action against the two states as they had against Arizona when that state chose to ENFORCE federal immigration law? Uh, no. In fact, attorneys for the Congressional Research Service made it clear that the federal government could exercise great “flexibility” in prosecuting citizens of Washington or Colorado for marijuana use.
However, these Regime attorneys were QUITE certain “…that federal firearms regulators will be aggressive about banning anyone who uses marijuana from buying – or possessing – a weapon.” (2) Rest assured that the names of marijuana users will be collected by both states and turned over to the FBI where they will be included in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), making it impossible for these individuals to purchase a firearm.
And will Americans insured under ObamaCare also have their personal information on drug use become part of a national database? Will the use of marijuana in 1994, recently confessed to an ObamaCare physician, eliminate an individual from consideration for the purchase of a firearm?
Make no mistake, the Obama Regime will use any means, any excuse, to prevent American citizens owning a gun. The criminal misuse of medical records will become a standard method of banning gun ownership.
The left realize that banning guns is far too dangerous a tack at the present time. So Regime minions have decided to aggressively ban owners.  

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Texas Tower sniper killings still raising questions after 46 years

h/t MK

The Texas Tower sniper killings still raising questions after 46 years

By Kevin “Coach” Collins
After 46 years the Texas Tower sniper killings still raises important questions.
On August 1, 1966 Charles Whitman a 25 year old former Marine and college student started his day by killing his mother and wife. He then packed up a variety of guns and a large quantity of ammunition and drove to the University of Texas Austin campus took the elevator to the top floor and began to shoot people as they walked by 28 floors below. 
When he was finished he had murdered 17 including an unborn child and injured another 32 innocent people.  For 1 hour and 45 minutes Whitman kept killing until he was gunned down by two brave Austin Police officers.
According to reports armed civilians arrived at the scene and helped the police by concentrating suppressing fire at Whitman. This kept his head down likely saved lives until the police could get up to the observation deck and kill Whitman.  
Armed citizens acting in the truest spirit of the Second Amendment helped the police stop a killing rampage in 1966 Austin Texas.  Is there any chance this could happen today?
Can anyone deny that if this were to happen today the police would video tape the civilians and arrest them after “talking” Whitman down? 
Whitman did four years Marine Corps.  He spent 18 months at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina in the early 1960s. The government has admitted that during the same period those who were stationed at Camp Lejeune were exposed to several very dangerous chemicals in the drinking water provided to them.   
Some of those who were exposed to these chemicals are now suffering from fifteen acknowledged maladies including various cancers. Among the dangerous chemicals was vinyl chloride which is linked to cancerous brain tumors. Whitman’s autopsy showed he a glioblastoma brain tumor the size of a pecan. Was big enough to alter his behavior?
Did Charles Whitman suffer from brain cancer because he drank the chemicals the Marine Corps fed him? The government says just 30 days exposure is enough for them to cover treatment for fifteen serious illnesses with no questions asked.
Whitman’s suicide notes show he fought a losing battle to control urges to kill he could not understand. He asked for the autopsy. Shouldn’t Whitman’s murders be reexamined or does a possible finding that he killed because he was sick from government water make that impossible? How many other Marines committed unthinkable out of character crimes that might be traced back to Camp Lejeune water?
 Did the poison water cause Charles Whitman to become a killer?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Is moose cakes' ''hubby'' following the American Communist Party’s blueprint for destroying America? You decide

Is Obama following the American Communist Party’s blueprint for destroying America? You decide

by Kevin “Coach” Collins
 On January 10, 1963 Congressman Albert S. Herlong (D. Fla.) read the ACP’s 45 declared goals into the Congressional record: (Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963.)
Here are some Communist Party goals. Compare them to Barack Obama’s and you decide if he is trying to destroy America.
Note: some goals have been omitted to save space.
Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a
demonstration of moral strength.
Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
Get control of the schools. Use them for socialism and Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Infiltrate the press. Get control of editorial writing, policy-making positions.
Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
Continue discrediting American culture.
Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
Break down cultural standards of morality in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.
Discredit the American Constitution [as] inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs…
Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
Belittle, discourage the teaching of American history.
Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
Discredit the family as an institution.
Herlong eventually became a Republican saying the Democrats had left him, he didn’t leave them.
This is a hard copy blueprint of where Barack Obama is taking us and how he will get us there. His mentor Saul Alinsky would be proud of the destructive nature of his political “son” but this scares me to my bones.
The entire list of the ACP’s 45 goals for destroying America can be found at:
Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Is Kim in Control of North Korea’s military?

h/t MK

Is Kim in Control of North Korea’s military?

By Jim Emerson,  staff writer
North Korea’s dictator, C is playing a mean game of chicken with South Korea and the United States.  This is how chubby little dictators behave to gain the attention of world leaders and garner support—grudging or otherwise– of their own populace. Most likely he is in a power play with older military leaders in a political battle royal to keep himself in power.
This week the tyrant-in-training authorized the North Korean military to use untested nukes against American bases in South Korea. In poker this is called a bluff. It is also a ploy mainly for domestic consumption, not for external interests. Kim is untested and basically an unknown entity whose erratic behavior is a sign of immaturity which may lead to an inadvertent war. In fact, the only adults keeping Kim in check in the rouge nation are members of Korea’s military leadership. (1) During the current Kim power play, western think tanks and military officials have been unsure whether Kim is actually in charge of his own military.  And that is obviously dangerous.
The current Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping has shown signs of losing patience with the nuclear ambitions of Kim Jung Un. In fact, China agreed with United Nations sanctions against North Korea after its most recent nuclear test. (2) The mobilization of China’s military along the North Korean border is likely an effort to control the flow of refugees and defecting North Korean troops should Lil’ Kim do something particularly stupid in the near future. (3)
Just as Kim is looking for credibility, John Kerry is desperately seeking some measure of relevance as Secretary of State. Incredibly, the former presidential candidate–who rumor has it also served in Vietnam—actually hoped to display his own gravitas by announcing in response to Kim’s threats that the United States would deploy assets to defend herself and her allies. (4)  This nerd of nuance should have been advised that such thoroughly unnecessary rhetoric only serves to elevate Kim on the home front.
The best suggestion to topple the North Korean regime was offered by Chinese editor Deng Yuwen. He proposed that China encourage North Korea to adopt economic reforms, for once a little economic development takes hold, a government such as Kim’s must adjust or be overthrown by its own people.

  1. 1.
  2. 2.
  3. 3.
  4. 4.

Woulda, shoulda, coulda in Washington and elsewhere

h/t MK

Woulda, shoulda, coulda in Washington and elsewhere

by Ron Reale,  staff writer
We should only get mail delivered on Mondays and Thursdays.
The Conservatives in the House should be drafting a bill concerning the number of taxpayer funded vacations any future president gets, and a cap on costs over which the President is responsible. Going to Camp David or their private home for extended times are fine, as they are considered “working vacations”. High priced hotels, lavish multiple, separate family vacations on the taxpayer dime must have some restrictions. Even the Royal Family in Britain has a set allowance. There is no reason our President’s, (and other elected officials perks), should be unlimited or undefined.
No politician other than the president should receive any lifetime pension from the taxpayers above $100,000 a year.
A definition of the duties of the unelected first lady is due. A cap on their taxpayer funded activities is long overdue. These women are not elected, and there is no oversight of their spending. Their husbands should be personally responsible for the cost of their hobbies, not the public. If first ladies wish to spend taxpayer monies, let them get elected to do so.
The American Psychiatric Association should be held accountable for the death and damage their illogical and dangerous decisions cause. Public school education has been sacrificed and destroyed by their PC “global self-esteem” BS.Very expensive experimental psychotropic drugs that rewire the brain and create addicts who must keep taking the drug for the rest of their lives. Problems are not solved with a satisfied patient ending therapy. No, the drug companies and the venal frauds bilk the insurance companies for the overpriced medications you must take for the rest of your life.
With one exception, every mass shooting was perpetrated by someone on anti-depressants or some type of mood altering psychotropic drugs.
American society as a whole has been severely damaged by the illogical assertion by the APA that homosexuality is a “normal” lifestyle, against all evidence to the contrary. Feeding into the fantasy world of these pitiable mentally ill people, we now stand at a point where this tiny minority, (3.5%), is trying to convince the rest of the world, and forcibly indoctrinate our children, (with the Progressive enemies of America in our Government helping them at every step), into accepting their delusional and dangerous, lifestyle.
Churches and religious organizations should no longer recognize State marriage licenses. They should be free to marry anyone they choose, according to their beliefs, and it is none of the State’s business. It is the ultimate “Free Speech” and “Religious Freedom” issue, and should be forced to the courts by the religious organizations. Regular business partnership agreements will cover the inheritance, visitation and every other “right” now granted by the State recognition through the marriage contract. There should be no tax breaks for anyone based on whether or not they are married.
Our President’s,( and, by extension, our), taxpayer funded sponsorship of the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is a direct and active threat against the UAE immediately, and the free world eventually.
On a personal note, we all face different obstacles and experiences in life. The death of a parent or loved one can quickly put all other matters into perspective. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind words concerning my mom’s passing. They gave me the strength to reorganize and go on living…and get married!

Ron Reale